First Lady Michelle Obama and her mother, Marian Robinson, are on the cover of the upcoming issue of Essence magazine. In it, they discuss many issues:
Advancing the role of women worldwide: "We have to talk about flex hours and exercise and nutrition and health and what that means. And we have to talk about values, and about our relationships with men. All of those are part of the conversation that I think we need to have, not just in this country but around the world." --Michelle Obama
Combating stereotypical images of African-American women: "The women in videos and the stereotypes are just not the truth of who we are as a community. We already know that because we are living these lives every single day. It's nice to have this reminder in the White House, but I would say we don't need it...all you need to do is look around your own community and you will see this same family in churches and in schools." --Michelle Obama
Advice on raising children: "The main thing that I think needs to be taught to children is the ability to think and make decisions. You don't have to have a lot of information, but you have to know how to get through the process. If you make mistakes you don't [just] decide I will never do that again." -- Marian Robinson

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