Tuesday, April 14, 2009

OMG, The Horror!

It seems as if the weekend edition of the Saint Louis Post-Dispatch, Go! magazine, caused quite a bit of a stir. But the controversy wasn't over an article, readers were upset over the cover, which featured a black man and a white woman kissing. It seems as if a significant part of the country in the year 2009, still has a problem with interracial dating. Despite some of the most popular celebrities (Halle Berry, Tiger Woods, Mariah Carey) and the election of Barack Obama being biracial, many of the comments of Go! magazine were filled with hatred and ignorance. I really thought that the election of Barack Obama would truly effect some of the people in America and help them to maybe free their minds a la En Vogue. But I guess I was wrong. Oh well, I guess it'll take some time, probably not.
Here are some comments:
"Haven’t read the story but dont like to see
blacks and whites kissing;”

"This doesn’t surprise me at all. Libs take every opportunity they can to shove miscegnation in our faces. Now that TV has to show blacks in every commercial, notice that they are always posed beside a blonde woman. Not a brunette, a blonde. Its done for shock value. Sickening that a once proud newspaper would resort ot this. Joe Pulitzer is turning over in his grave in shame.”

"So, on this acceptance topic: I am supposed to accept that some people choose to have interracial relationships. That is fine with me, do what you want. However, I choose to think it is not something I would expose myself to. The PD is a public news media, just like television. Why does this have to be shoved down my throat? Why isn’t everyone else supposed to accept my opinion on the matter? I am not supposed to do, say or show pictures of things that offend you, but why can you say, do and show pictures of things that offend me? Can someone please come up with an intelligent answer?

Welcome to the 21st Century. source

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